Gobble, gobble?

I love the fall, but I’m not a huge fan of all things fall. I love the weather, and the smell. I love hoodies (which are, honestly, a staple in my closet), bonfires with hot chocolate, and watching the leaves change. However, I hate pumpkin flavored things. I hate pies. I don’t like stuffing or cranberries, ham and I’m not even a huge fan of turkey unless it’s my mom’s and it’s been glazed with orange marmalade. I don’t even care too much for Thanksgiving, other than the fact that it’s a day for my family to all get together and overeat. Never mind, we overeat every time my mom hosts a dinner because that’s how she rolls. OH! I do like the rolls we eat at Thanksgiving, so add that one to the “Yes” list.

Even tho, I could honestly care less about holidays past Halloween until New Year’s Eve (if I didn’t have kids, I’d probably try and sleep through these next two months, only waking up for Chris and my sister’s birthday), I figured I’d take a minute and think about what I was thankful for. For the spirit of things.

  • I’m thankful for Chris’ willingness and eagerness to work a second job to ease my mind, this time of year. We aren’t struggling, and are actually doing okay right now. I have just gotten so used to being worried about money, it’s become second nature. He does it so I can relax a little.
  • I’m thankful both my babies are (relatively) healthy. With them both being late-term preemies, I never realized what kind of health issues they could have, but both have come out as fighters.
  • I’m thankful that our dummy dog, Linux, is our dummy dog. We fell in love with him at first sight and almost had to part with him for one reason or another. He is the greatest dog ever. Too stupid to be mean, but not stupid enough to be obnoxious, like my parents’ dog Lilly is.
  • I’m thankful for my brothers, Patrick, Steven and my sister Courtney, for helping with anything they could in Chris and my time of need. I couldn’t ask for more loving, selfless and wonderful siblings than them.
  • I’m thankful for my parents, who would do anything for their children and their spouses. They would do anything without second-guessing for us and for each other. It doesn’t get much better than that.
  • I’m thankful for Chris’ strength for the past two years. Without that, I don’t know where I would be.
  • I’m thankful for our mutual stubbornness and inability to accept defeat.
  • I’m thankful for the friends I have found in this blogging world.

There is so much in this world I’m thankful for, I could go and on. I’m thankful where this year has taken me and the strength I’ve found in myself.

I hope that all of you have many things to be thankful for, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday. :)

3 Responses

  1. Happy Thanksgiving you non-pumpkin eating American friend ;) Please tell me that you still indulge in cookies?

  2. And you call me gay? Wow! Just kidding that was a sweet post. Just catching up, you hadn’t blogged for awhile so I stopped checking because I was always disappointed and today I decided to look and voila, lots of new posts!

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